Episode 16: The End of Władysław's Dismal Reign

We'll finally say goodbye to both Władysław and his Count Palatine Sieciech in this episode, which as far as I'm concerned isn't soon enough. Let's just say they weren't the most inspired or capable rulers.

But what of Władysław's sons? Well, we'll see the very earliest signs that while they are capable of cooperating, they are likely more interested in consolidating power and edging out the other.

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Trevor Gilbert
Episode 15: Zbigniew's Many Troubles

The Piast family has had a rough time of it lately. Władysław is an imperfect ruler (to say the least), Sieciech is undermining the entire dynasty, and the issue of succession is really making a mess of things.

Yet, of the entire cast I feel most sorry for Zbigniew. He didn't ask to be shipped off to a convent, put in charge of a rebellion, and cast aside like an unwanted child. Yet he was. 

Trevor Gilbert
Episode 14: Władysław's Family Troubles

After meeting Władysław last time, we're going to continue with his life and times and examine what his rule looked like. Spoiler alert! It's not stable, peaceful, or idyllic. We'll meet up with his sons, Zbigniew and Bolesław III, his Count Palatine Sieciech, and his wives, Judith and Judith.

If you're interested in supporting the show or finding out more about the upcoming mini-series visit our Patreon page here: patreon.com/historyofpolandpodcast

Trevor Gilbert
Episode 13: Bolesław II’s Domestic Affairs and Deposition

We're back to talk about Bolesław II’s domestic policies, infrastructure projects, unique fall from grace, excommunication, and talk through some of the myths and legends that surround the eventual fate of this former King of Poland. It'll be the last King we deal with for awhile, as Poland is going to go through some rough times. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Trevor Gilbert
Episode 12: Imperial Chaos, or The Investiture Controversy

We're going to take a short break from following the life and times of Bolesław II the Generous and focus on what's happening in Europe in general. That means the Investiture Controversy between Emperor Henry IV of the Holy Roman Empire and Pope Gregory VII. It's not strictly related to Poland, but it does impact what's going to happen in Poland's near future.

Trevor Gilbert